Reboot and Post Installation

Exit Chroot and Unmount Filesystems

  exit           # exits chroot
umount -R /mnt # not mandatory but 
Reboot the System

Run: reboot and remove the installation media when prompted.

Then, Log in as your regular user.

Post Installation Tasks

After rebooting and logging in, it’s time to fine-tune your system configurations by enabling and starting essential services.

  1. Enable Services

    First, ensure that the network connection remains stable by enabling the NetworkManager service you configured earlier:

      systemctl enable NetworkManager
  2. Update the System

    Once your connection is confirmed, update your package mirrors and upgrade the system by executing:

      sudo pacman -Syyu
  3. Install Utilities

    Next, install some useful packages for further customization:

      sudo pacman -S git base-devel python bat htop neofetch bluez
    • git: A distributed version control system to track changes in your projects.
    • base-devel: A group of essential build tools (like gcc, make, etc.) for compiling software.
    • python: A versatile high-level programming language for scripting and development.
    • bat: A modern replacement for cat with syntax highlighting and Git integration.
    • htop: An interactive process viewer to monitor system performance in real time.
    • neofetch: A tool that displays system information in a visually appealing way.
    • bluez: The official Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux, enabling Bluetooth functionality.
  4. Enable Command History Search

    Enhance your terminal experience by enabling command history search.

    Create a file named .inputrc in your home directory and open it with an editor:

      nano ~/.inputrc

    Insert the following content:

      "\e[A": history-search-backward
    "\e[B": history-search-forward

    To apply the changes immediately, run:

      bind -f ~/.inputrc

    This configuration allows you to search through your command history using the up and down arrow keys.

Last updated 22 Feb 2025, 17:33 +0100 . history

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